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    • VickySGV
      A problem we have had in Los Angeles, and darn near every other city is that money is allocated to increased heavy armament for the officers, including armor-plated  military vehicles with high velocity firepower from inside.  The allocation of the money comes with cheers and congratulation from even our outsized personal arms people to a point you would think they wanted to go down in a blaze of bullets from the machines themselves.  I have been at meetings where this was the solid truth.  In addition there is training -- well and good -- in how to maximize their lethality. Millions of dollars are cheerfully budgeted for all of that.   HOWEVER, the minute an agenda item for either the hiring of non-armed Community Contact people with Mental Health  training in the deescalation of matters like this one comes up for very low budget money, it is denounced as an improper use of tax money and will negatively affect policing.  This despite a program 20 years ago (before the availability excessive armor) that employed such people produced an area of the Los Angeles area where such community workers reduced a high number of incidents of the type that have resulted in over zealous firearm activities that left dead or injured people  It makes you think some people want blood flying around.
    • Willow
      Ah @KymmieL the old note on the locked door.  Yes we do that too but first you have to find a time when no one is in the store.  That’s the hard part.  It’s golfers now plus the largest car show on the East coast is this weekend  custom rods and restored 50s and 60s mostly. Just stopping at our station in the past few days a 54 Bel Aire, 57 Buick Country Estate 9 passenger wagon, a 58 Olds 98, late 50/early 60 Chevy pick em ups.  A street rod with a tripple intake blower heavily extended frame    
    • kat2
      Yes, just about to jump in the bath, managed to do the house work gave Mia a treat put fresh cotton sheets on my bed and put Mias bed back on the radiator that's her favorite spot . Mia likes the personal touch with her customers asking if they enjoy the food or would like to be on the menu? (rofl) not really enjoy what your planet has to offer
    • kat2
      Awe, thats lovely to hear. I am stealth I guess i fitted the criteria with being small. I am not sure i would like to be known as a trans women, one of the struggles i had was when i met my first real love, James, his mum was all over me and my mum and dad loved James to bits (had to tell my sister off too, she was after him) The honest difficulties i had which gender clinics do not prepare you for is if your boyfriends parents want children, James mum often chatted about wanting grand children and kept going on about well love your not getting any younger. it deeply upset me but my own mother came to the rescue and said there are women that cannot have children and that your one of those women. Same when i was learning to be a secretary at college the other girls asked me when i was due on?. I never had a relationship with a girl so didn't understand.?My other pet hate was getting into role as it was called, I wasnt that keen on dresses or skirts and would wear jeans, leggins sweat shirts and to this day i am still very much the same  
    • Sally Stone
      With the obvious issue of mental health contributing to so many of these police/citizen encounters, you would think we (as a society)  would be smart enough to come up with effective ways to restrain an individual that doesn't involve a lethal solution.  Sure there are plenty of situations where the use of a service weapon is warranted, but there must be other alternatives for situations that don't need a lethal option.
    • KathyLauren
      My hips did grow, but not for a long time.  Three months is way too early to notice much there.   At three months, my breasts were growing.  They were pretty much done by six months.  From six months to a year, I noticed changes in skin texture, and some startlingly nice facial changes: eyes and lips, in particular.  Around that same time frame, I noticed my body hair changing: lighter hair on my arms, much less on my legs, totally gone on my chest.     I didn't notice my hips until about a year ago, which was about year 7 of HRT.  Obviously, there were no bone changes, though my pelvis was always wide for a "guy".  What I noticed was increased fat deposition on my hips and more definition between my waist and hips.  I still have a "third boob" belly (sigh!), but the fat at the sides has moved down to the hips.  I like my curves now.   As always, YMMV.  But the lesson is that this is a marathon, not a sprint.  Be patient.
    • Sally Stone
      Kat that wasn't my experience.  I think I do a great job of blending in, but in a personal or close setting, I could never pass as a true female. I needed a world where being a trans woman and being recognized as a trans woman was okay.  I think stealth is actually perfection when you consider the objective, which in this context is not to be recognized as a trans woman but assumed to be AFAB instead.
    • Ivy
      They play with words to pretend they're not saying what they are saying.  The whole point is to get rid of us - whatever they want to call it. Is it genocide, or just persecution?  Does it actually matter?
    • Charlize
      I'm not sure if my hips have grown top much.  Puberty denied me the hourglass that i admire.  That being said i am carrying a bit more aft that i have in the past.  When i got new hips i thought of asking the surgeon to add a bit 😄.  He didn't🥲.  Instead age and, perhaps being well into my second decade of estrogen, have given me something worth a pinch.  (Don't you dare!😊.   Hugs,   Charlize 
    • KymmieL
      @Willow I told you I dint do nuffin. I men it too.   I have been alone at Oreilly a couple times. Wasn't fun. When nature hollered. I just put a note on the door and locked it.     Kymmie
    • SilasG
      Good morning there’s nothing wrong sleeping in you must’ve needed it. So now you and Sammy can play the fashionably late game with each other lol. I wasn’t sure if you have vegetables and only used the fox frequency as a reference as you talked about the fox the other day. This can be used for Aphids or Corn bore’s and other harmful pests “animal or insect” I dislike harming and living being weather plant, human, insect or animal. All the frequency does is create a natural repellent. There are several different species of woodpecker ranging from small to large. Nature is so fascinating because it gives a much clearer perspective of differences in a single species from spiritual traits to physical characteristics within the same group. Bless Mia for embracing her kitten hood as long as she can. She sound like she’s a kitten with how you express her activity level as well as looking young she also shows her age a little with how mature she is with the frequent wildlife friends she’s made. To day in planet NH the weather is beautiful going to go for a walk shortly. Stay warm sounds like you’ve got a lax weekend ahead from you mentioning some house work. I’m sorry to hear about the hanging plant outside not making it. Have a beautiful weekend.   Peace, Hugs and Happiness, Silas
    • kat2
      Thats a silly crack pot statement firstly he uses the word Transgenderism so it must exist Transssexualism in its concept was a transitional state, re alignment of your true gender and not to create a new gender.Terminology used in the main in this forum is female to male or male to female / mtf / ftm 
    • kat2
      Hips depend upon many factors, such as age when starting hormone therapy family genetics, and getting the hormones that give you the best result. You will over time notice growth splurts then stops. Hips tend to come after breast tissue starts to develop. Three months would be too soon, i noticed for me i had lower back pain and started to grow. Try slimming down your waist with exercise. I joined lots of exercise classes which helped me get into shape 
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      This is one more needless police shooting.  LAPD also shot an unarmed, disabled veteran in a park a couple of years ago, IIRC.  Just so many in recent years.    Obviously I wasn't there, but it seems like if the person is distressed and pointing a knife at themselves and then at others, they're confused and not necessarily being lethally aggressive.  Telling them she had been repeatedly hit on the head with a bottle should have been a clue...possible brain injury, which can cause reduced emotional control and impaired judgement.  Why didn't someone have a Taser or pepper spray?    Even in my rural area, all law enforcement officers carry both Tasers and spray, and some have pepper grenades in vehicle kits, and even less-lethal rounds for shotguns.  There are so many options on the market.  She was in a motel room, and those typically have just one door.  Not like she was going anywhere.  A lethal firearm was the wrong tool for this, and should have remained holstered.
    • kat2
      They still have not banned conversion therapy here in the UK, they have given it lots of different names of late but it is not banned in the UK.
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      No idea how the court will rule on this.  I would think that conversion therapy would fall under psychological or psychiatric services?  And since those areas have pretty well-defined standards and licensing of those professionals is done at the state level, wouldn't it be expected to fall under the perview of the states?
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      It hasn't been the morning I intended. Really haven't slept much.  We had really bad weather, with high wind and hail.  I was all warm and snuggled up in my nest when my husband's phone started ringing....never a good thing at 1am.  Lightning had started a forest fire in another township, and the local volunteer fire crews didn't have enough equipment and personnel.  The township's defense lieutenant had called up his people to help, and asked my husband for broader mobilization.    Thankfully they got it quenched before it did too much damage, only some trees.  We don't have specialty equipment, and the landscape here is pretty rugged in some areas.  Firefighting is often done by manual labor alone, just lots of folks with shovels and saws, especially if water isn't readily available.    My partners just got home.  I think my GF and husband are going back to sleep until noon at least.  I'm still worried about GF overworking herself...she looked awful when she came back.  She's been in charge of county vehicle maintenance since January, and she spends way too much time in the field dealing with stuff personally.  I know she feels she has to earn the respect of the mostly male workers, but its like she's trying way too hard. 🙄
    • kat2
      Well, i got up late and sammy was looking at the bird feeder as if to say where is my food. Woody is in full knocking mode, i am supprised at how small wood peckers are!! Sammy is enjoying late breakfast and Mia is happy to see him   I don't really mind the noise from the fox's its all part of nature after all! on the other hand Mia can be a handful she is still in kitten mode despite her birthday next week when she is 5 years old, she wants to play all the time. Ive managed to do all my washing so there is just the house work to do oh and play with Mia too. Another ccold day here sadly my outdoor hanging basket did not survive the frost!!!! Below St Georges Hall Liverpool, enjoy your planet make the most of your day huggs kat   same here and crocus and blue bells, spring is sprunging
    • Cyndee
      Minimized culture war in my mind
    • Cyndee
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