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    • Ashley0616
      Congratulations on first outing! The car situation definitely sounds scarry. Yeah I'm wondering if I went to the LGBTQ bars if I would be the oldest. Maybe one day I'll have the courage to go to a bar. I have been out for over a year so I'm not scarred anymore but I do observe a lot. Hopefully it won't as scary for you in the future! Take care!
    • VickySGV
      The best thing to do, as @Carolyn Mariesaid is to get involved with the Trans groups at your nearest LGBTQ Community Center, and then pick up a buddy to hit the town with.  While not as good for one on one meetups as bars, going to community theater events, especially small musicals is a safe and pleasant evening.  If any of the local Gay or Lesbian Choruses are having public shows, they would be a very good place to go as yourself where you will be welcomed, and where their audiences and program are in your age group.  If you like to sing, they might also be something to join.  The women's groups often appreciate have a lower voice or two in the group.    As mentioned by @MaeBe, community service ops are great as well.   The fact that you were going to a known Trans Club did put you at a little higher risk for what happened I am afraid to say.  There are weirdo's that deliberately drive by known Trans and LGB Clubs just for the chance to hoot at anyone going to it whether they are Trans or not.  In my pre-Transition days I had your experience on the catcalls about one in five times I went out so I remember the "old days" and sympathize with you.  I was in my late 50's when I actually began coming out and am mid 70's now.    I made this post several years ago that describes what is going on there and I hope it will help you.   https://www.transgenderpulse.com/forums/index.php?/topic/43991-public-vs-picture/   Note:you may have to scroll up to the first page on this one.  
    • DeeDee
      Interesting question.  The Hebrews initially had God as their sole King and that would be the ideal, living in harmony with the world and those around us; however the people wanted someone to follow, so they got a human king and while some were better than others, the record shows one problematic ruler after another because that's the built in problem with pride. Jesus was working under Roman occupation where the Emperor was to be celebrated and worshipped as a living god, his charisma, followers and anti-institutionalism was what got him thrown under the bus in the first place. He said the letter of the laws had become more important than the spirit of the laws and giving the have not's hope makes the have's very uncomfortable...   Our civic motive for involvement comes from the twofold charge of loving our neighbour and being assigned stewards of gods creation. Lusting for power is shown to repeatedly have bad consequences.    
    • Justine76
      That would be great @MaeBe! Feel free to PM me once you're settled out here. 
    • Carolyn Marie
      Yes, I would have been just as scared in that situation as you were, @Justine76  Glad it worked out all right.  There are many places you could go that are more age appropriate, although I will say that a bar or club isn't out of the question if that's what you're in the mood for.  I just don't think it's the safest place to be trans and alone.  Take a friend with you next time if you can.   Think about the places you went pre-transition that made you feel at ease and relaxed.  Those might still be the perfect places for you.  Your local LGBT center might have social nights where you would fit right in and be safe.  Or, if you like to be outdoors, go to a park or nature center or find a place to take photos.  If you have hobbies, continue participating in those.   I wish you luck, and please be safe.   HUGS   Carolyn Marie
    • Vidanjali
      Your own suffering can enhance your ability to provide comfort to others because in that state your heart is very vulnerable and tender and thus able to most acutely relate to the pain of others. We heal together.
    • Adrianna Danielle
      Boyfriend and his daughter moved in with me on Saturday.That went good.His daughter and I do have a good relationship too,already accepted her in my life.Have new neighbors across me,in the LGBT community as well.A lesbian couple married for 4 years now.One is a late timer and she has a 16 year old daughter that is a fulltime mtf crossdresser.Good thing is they are both supportive of her and they see her happy.Dad is out of the picture,wants nothing of her.I did tell tell them I am transgender going through the transition.Said they have been with a transwoman in a threesome.Want to have one with me,said set up a time
    • Vidanjali
      @Betty K I appreciate the opportunity to talk with you about this and your open-ness in doing so. Just some perspective for your consideration which may help to mitigate frustration over feeling you're not able to thoroughly expound upon the depth of detail in such discussions. And I'm sure I'm not saying anything you don't already know, but sometimes it helps to hear things. Each venue in which you present has its own unique format, aspects, and audience. However you're able to convey information, with whichever interlocutors, in whatever style or depth is valuable and meaningful. Trust that you've reached just the right people in each format or venue - many paths for many people. You find comfort in truth and clarity. That is your gift and also your burden when perfectionist tendencies creep in, albeit those tendencies are aligned with good intentions - to educate, empower, and uplift. From the point of view of a listener, and not a subject matter expert, I feel I've learned a lot and gained much insight from you, not just regarding the subject matter, but in the way in which you present it - cautioning against the folly of over-generalizing, being transparent about the ways in which your own perspective has changed as you've been learning, and emphasizing the nuance of experience among trans people. Bless you.
    • MaeBe
      That sounds scary! I am so happy for you, though! The only social engagements I have done specifically to meet the community have been volunteering.   Maybe we'll be close enough when my family moves to WA to setup a meetup? I'm also in the 40+ crowd and will be looking to meet people and build new friendships.
    • Lydia_R
      Using busted mop handle as drumsticks.
    • AnnMarie
      My turning point is now. I've fought and fought. Vacillating back and forth. Three previous attempts at therapy, one in my 20's, two in the last 10 years. I told my current therapist that I'm tired of being at war with myself. She said surrender. I accept it on principle. So it begins. Quite scary actually, but I am finally committed to finding my truth.
    • Justine76
      Last weekend I ventured out to a trans friendly meetup at a pub. It's the first time I've presented fully as Justine in public. I think it may be the scariest thing I've ever done :P Adding to existing nerves, I was catcalled from a passing car making the short walk from where I was staying to the venue. The car slowed way down after passing me and then stopped at the intersection ahead; just sat there for a several seconds even though there was no traffic. I was a bit petrified at this point but the pub was right across the street, so I just continued walking and the car eventually drove on. Was able to calm down after getting inside but downed my first beer rather quickly ;) Everyone was nice and I got a couple compliments on my outfit. Did feel kinda out of place though due to my age. The crowd tilted very young. Pretty sure I was the only person over 40. Felt like I looked like someone's mom that tagged along. Begs a question, since the 'nightlife' scene is generally going to steer much younger, what other types of places have people visited early in their transition exploration to socialize? 
    • VickySGV
      Your surgeon is going to be the best, and controlling source of information as to which dilator to use and when to use it for your personal healing .  Your healing dilations begin with your smallest diameter for several weeks and then work up to your largest one that was prescribed by your surgeon in the time frames that they specify. It will become your daily dilator from then on. Your dilator size is not related to the physical size of your potential sex partner's penis size or enjoyment of having sex.   Your complete healing, including nerve sensitivity may take up to a year and a half depending on your personal healing rate and it can be dangerous and painful to rush it. The healing process is different for each of us.   This healing would include your development of certain types of temporary scar tissue that will disappear on their own as the healing progresses.  Stay in touch with your surgeon and their staff and consult them or a trained Gynecologist in post surgical care of Trans surgery, and follow their advice and you will do just fine.  Surgical revision is needed in a small number of cases and with contact with your medical providers the revisions can be done in the best time frame for effective healing.    Please read our Community Rules about posting about sexual matters here since we do have members who are under adult age.  Please note that I am 11 years post op myself.
    • Lydia_R
      Tree sap like a crystal ball.
    • Ivy
    • April Marie
      I've been adding some items to my wardrobe over the last two weeks. A blouse and t-shirt from Talbot's and a pair of tan ankle boots.               
    • Birdie
      Oh! How cute! 😘
    • April Marie
      Ooohhh, I love those!!!
    • Davie
      You're both so beautiful. Giddy-app! I miss riding horses--now it's just a bicycle. 6-legged Pride!  
    • Davie
      Yeah. Cheers for acting your identity and your freedom—nothing more cheering than that!
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