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    • Vidanjali
      That's adorable @MaeBe 🥰
    • April Marie
      Hiding in plain sight getting harder.
    • Vidanjali
      Here's a question, though. If an individual were turned off by this Biden admin statement so much so that they no longer wanted to vote for him, is the alternative candidate really someone they'd perceive as more trustworthy? If their predilection for Biden were in fact eroded over this issue, maybe they'd just not vote at all which is in effect similar to voting for the alternative.   I agree the public needs clarification on this. Especially the facts on how uncommon trans minor surgery actually is & what trans youth healthcare actually entails. I'd like to see the Biden admin state what they DO support with respect to trans youth and the trans population at large. The present concern here seems to be the optics of this statement and the further ignorance is has the potential to inflame.
    • Heather Shay
    • Heather Shay
      @Mirrabooka - agree - I have all 3 of the Ace albums and love all 3.
    • Heather Shay
      Are you happy now or do you still have fears that rule your inner peace?
    • Heather Shay
      More integration inside is happening now.
    • Heather Shay
      A Gentle Practice for Opening Up to Painful Emotions   A Gentle Practice for Opening Up to Painful Emotion Noticing any of these kinds of reactivities coming up for you, you can, as always, just take a few deep and conscious breaths. And as you do so, you’re turning your attention in a very purposeful way toward these sensations that are coming up for you beneath the breath and in the body.  Taking a long, slow breath in, and a gentle, even longer breath out. Continue to follow the flow of your breathing as best you can, resting your attention there. On an in-breath, breathe in for a count of four. Hold your breath for a count of seven, and then release for a count of eight. We’re doing the four, seven, eight cycle here. So on the next in-breath, breathe in for four counts, hold for seven counts, and then release for eight counts. Repeat that four, seven, eight cycle of breathing in and out one or two times. Breathing out through the mouth, if at all possible. Now settle into a natural rhythm and as best you can, maintain awareness of the quality of your breath—in and out. And rest as best you can, along the river of these sensations, resting in the long, broad, and deep now. As you rest, gently call to mind your desire and the will you have inside yourself for peace that begins with you. For well-being that begins right here, right now, in your own body and being and spirit, for justice that begins here. Perhaps on the next in-breath, consciously focus on the love and compassion that exists in your own heart. The peace that can begin with you right now—extending through you, right now. As you breathe in, bring greater awareness to this love. This warm, loving softness within you. Or other characteristics that you sense in your own experience, other ways you would describe your own warming heart and the will in your heart for justice and positive social community, for global change. As much as possible, allow yourself to completely feel the compassion in your being for everyone who’s suffering—obviously in a way that includes you, includes all of us. And particularly those who are suffering the most in your community and in the world right now, wherever they may be. So as you breathe in and out, breathing in the sense of awareness of the love in your heart, and breathing out very consciously, sending loving support toward all those you believe to be in need of it in this very moment. Breathe in a sense of your own loving heart and what is well within you, and while breathing out, gently extending the wish for well-being from your own head to toe, and flowing out through you, to the communities you meet and touch and work with. And out as far as my reach can go, circling the globe. As you bring this meditation gently to a close, take a moment to appreciate all that you are, all that you do. The body that is carrying you through this very life in all its perfect imperfections—just as you are.  Call forth an intention for staying grounded and holding with grace, your spirit, your being, and your energy for the work today.
    • Lydia_R
      Well, the arcade has come to a close.  I tried to sell the full cabinets, but no one seemed interested, so I disassembled them a couple days ago.  I'll try to hang onto the control boards in my next life venture.
    • Heather Shay
    • Heather Shay
    • Heather Shay
    • Davie
      This move by the Biden administration concerns only 1%–2% of youth surgeries, so why would they risk alienating the many votes of the whole supportive LGBT+ community for this? Biden's main problem with his own voters is that he often refuses to stand up and advocate for his own principles—that's why his support is so soft. But he's just done that again. Perhaps the backlash from this new ruling will turn him back towards better support, but how can we trust him? How? There's this: Human Rights Campaign President Kelley Robinson issued a strong rebuke on Tuesday of the Biden-Harris administration’s position opposing gender affirming surgeries for minors. The New York Times reported on June 28 that the White House, which broadly supports making medical interventions available for transgender youth, had expressed opposition to surgeries for patients under 18, having previously declined to take a specific position on the question. “Health care decisions for young people belong between a patient, their family, and their health care provider. Trans youth are no exception,” Robinson responded.    Wake up, Biden! Stand up or lose your base votes to an insane fascist.  
    • KayC
      Love this ^ @Sally Stone! ... and ^THIS^
    • KayC
      You look Wonderful @MaeBe ... and Happy
    • KymmieL
      Well as I am one big flaw. I am trying to work on me.   Kymmie
    • KayC
      After trying to deal with my dysphoria (which I didn't even know what that was) things got really dark ... THEN, I found this WONDERFUL Forum and shortly after started gender therapy.  ^THIS^ was my turning point!
    • KayC
      It would be nice to get some clarification from the Administration ... but regardless, it's still going to be a politicized issue all the way through the election.  This is not my BIG fear ... that fear would be that the 'R's take total control next year and we ALL lose our care options.
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      If there's one thing I've learned about politics, it is that emotion carries far more weight than logic.    And that's not party-specific, either.  Seems to be a human thing generally.    We had a shooting in Tennessee and one in Texas, and suddenly the whole nation wanted to talk about "trans crime."  And just about all the political sides these days want to implement various restrictions on relatively normal behaviors, normal ways of speaking, or normal types of personal property.  Because after all, the excuse of tyrants everywhere is that its "for the children."     Cue the media hand-wringing in 3, 2, 1......
    • Carolyn Marie
      LOL!  If this one murder proves that, what does that say for the mental stability of the cisgender population, which commits dozens, if not hundreds, of homicides per week?   Carolyn Marie
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