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    • Mirrabooka
      Going on a daily 40-minute walk is my main one, but it is weather dependent. I also do some core strength exercises at home two or three times a week, go to the pool for hydro exercises a few times a month and ride a bike a couple of times a week in the warmer months.
    • Mirrabooka
      Seems like Tri-Ess was a stepping-stone for you @Sally Stone (no pun intended), and a valuable one at that.
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      Independence Day there's a lot of fun here. But also a little bit complicated, because we deeply resent our state and National governments. We actually think of three revolutions. 1775 to 1783, 1861 to 1865, and the one still to come.
    • Vidanjali
      @Davie thanks for sharing. Sometimes it feels we're alone in a fight for life and dignity. But in fact we have allies all over the world engaged in good and life-affirming work. I look forward to reading it. 
    • Mirrabooka
      Happy 4th of July to all of my brothers and sisters in A Merry Car!    That date is not important here, except that longer days are starting to get noticed a fortnight after our winter solstice, but I am acutely aware how important the day is to y'all. @Willow, your succinct summation is spot on, and it is exactly what I know about the history behind it. Here, we have Australia Day on January 26th, which is the anniversary of when the First Fleet of colonists arrived from England in 1788. It has been rightfully described as Invasion Day in recent years and it is now a divisive issue here.   But for y'all over there, enjoy the day! Wave those flags!!!
    • Ivy
      I don't really understand how a judge's ruling is effective outside of their own district.  Wouldn't it have to go to the next higher court?   Also…  "regulations that mangle the law to advance an ideological agenda"   How is what they are doing not mangling the law to "advance an ideological agenda"?  Why don't they just say they want to eliminate us?   Oh wait… they have.   We are really on our own here.    
    • Charlize
      How far back in time is the present republican controlled court planning on going.  Definitely sad.  I feel for the future. Happy Independence day to those of us who still have rights.  All i can do is to find what happiness i can.   Hugs,   Charlize
    • KathyLauren
      Happy July Fourth to all my American friends.  Enjoy your freedom while you still have it.
    • Willow
      I must admit I haven’t looked at these before but they are wonderful affirmations.  I will be checking them every day from now on.   Thank you Heather   Willow
    • Willow
      Me I can     Even if my granddaughters celebrate me as their grandfather, I don’t care, I gave them that right when I told them about me.    
    • Heather Shay
      A song I really like that has been covered by a cariety of artist and written by Leiber and Stoller (them also wrote Hound Dog, Kansas City, Young Blood, Searchin', Yakety Yak, Jailhouse Rock, Stand By Me, On Broadway....) Here are several versions of "I Keep Forgettin'"  
    • Heather Shay
      Moving ahead toward relaxing, fulfilling integration.
    • Heather Shay
      A Simple Way to Calm Yourself When Feeling Strong Emotions By Amy Kay Watson https://cdn.tinybuddha.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Peaceful-Woman.png “This is the root of Self. You are not your thoughts; you are aware of your thoughts. You are not your emotions; you feel your emotions…. You are the conscious being who is aware that you are aware of all these inner and outer things.” ~Michael Singer I sat across from my colleague with a growing sense of discomfort. I had accepted an assignment from the boss, but I heard from my colleague an undercurrent of questioning and uncertainty—or so it seemed. It was so subtle that I couldn’t quite tell what was going on. Did she not believe I could do it? Nobody else was stepping forward to meet the need. Was she saying it’s better to go with nobody than with me? All I knew for sure was that I wasn’t hearing this outright. I decided to let it go, head on home, think about it tomorrow, and be fully present with my family instead. But the next morning as I pulled into my parking spot in front of the office, a subtle agitation rumbled in my stomach. I walked into the quiet building and set my things down in the office, distracted by my disquiet and wishing I could focus on my task list. The thoughts prickling at me wouldn’t let go. I laid my pen down and asked myself, “Okay, what’s going on?” In my top drawer I keep a deck of “grok” cards that I bought from the folks at the Center for Nonviolent Communication. Each one has the name of a need or value—things like “hope,” “trust,” and “balance” show up in this deck. I frequently use these when I can’t quite put a finger on what’s bothering me. I flipped through the cards and sorted them as I went. In the “not now” pile went cards like “freedom,” “competence,” and “creativity.” In the next pile, the “Maybe?” pile, went cards like “security,” “meaning/purpose,” and “friendship.” I went on sorting between just these two piles until I hit one that resonated: “Acknowledgement.” That went into a new pile: “Yes.” A couple of cards after it I found “Appreciation.” That went into the “Yes” pile too, and then I noticed something really interesting happen: I got angry. Usually when I sort through these cards, the experience of finding the right word to put on my current needs or values results in feeling more settled, more clear. Frequently my agitation will be replaced by a sense of gratitude, or courage to act in a way that helps me meet my needs. Typically, that is the value for me in identifying my needs. It helps me find a more straightforward and effective path toward getting those needs met. But it didn’t happen this time. Instead, the voice in my head just became louder and more insistent. My coworker should be grateful for my willingness to take on this new project! She wasn’t going to step in and do anything. Why wasn’t she acknowledging that I was making a sacrifice on behalf of the team? This narrative swept me up. It threatened to pull me under. Slowly, I started to notice another, quieter voice saying, “Why am I getting so upset? That doesn’t usually happen after I go through the GROK cards. What can I do for myself that won’t be so negative?” I’m going to admit this was an odd experience for me. I don’t typically have this second, quieter voice. Or, if I’ve had it, I haven’t been able to hear it. But I did hear it this time, and it called to mind Michael Singer’s book, The Untethered Soul. I read it just about a month before. “You are not the voice of the mind,” he wrote. “You are the one that hears it.” He suggests that when we’re bothered by something, we can change what we identify with. Rather than identifying with all of those thoughts and feelings, we can instead identify ourselves as “the observer” or witness of what is being experienced. As I felt myself getting swept up in defensiveness against my coworker, I decided to try it. What would happen, I wondered? I started up a new voice in my head that said, “I am not all of these thoughts and feelings. I am the observer who is noticing that Amy is having a powerful experience.” It was almost meditation, but not quite the same as my usual practice. Michael Singer might say I was doing it wrong. A psychiatrist might have a lot of questions for me—I don’t know. What I do know is what happened inside myself. As I identified myself as “the observer who is noticing that Amy is having a powerful experience,” I relaxed. I let go of the waves of negative thinking. I realized that I could talk to myself the way I would talk to a dear friend who is feeling unacknowledged and underappreciated. I realized I could give myself compassion. I imagined telling myself, “I’m sorry you haven’t been appreciated. That’s hard. You are still okay.” I admit I feel extra vulnerable as I type that out. Part of me doesn’t want to admit that I talk to myself in this way. On the other hand, this was such an amazing experience! I was able to walk myself through processing my own needs and emotions in ways I’ve never done before. As soon as it happened, I wanted to shout it out to the rest of the world, “Hey, I’ve found a path that looks like it leads somewhere good! Come check it out!” Do you ever feel the emotional undertow of unpleasant, uncomfortable feelings? Have you tried to resist them without success? Perhaps it would help to identify yourself as the observer. Accept that the feelings and thoughts are there, but instead of identifying with them, try identifying yourself as the observer or witness who is noticing that this experience is flowing through. Perhaps you already know this part of the path. Have you tried a practice like this? What works for you?
    • Willow
      Happy 4th of July   Today is the day we celebrate our country becoming an independent nation.  Now longer the subjects of the King of England.  We fought a war against the King and won.  We not only wrote a Declaration of Independence, but we formed a government and created a Constitution complete with a Bill of Rights.  We have defended our nation for nearly 250 years against all attempts to take away those rights and freedoms.  Now we stand at the brink on yet another battle to maintain those rights as they have been defined, and redefined, and amended.   Some of our citizens and leaders have chosen to attack the LGBTQI+ community and women’s rights.  They would set things back to the 1950s and before.  We must defend our nation and our Rights just as vigorously as they were gained over the past 248 years.   Enjoy your celebrations but remember why you are celebrating and remember all those men and women who have sworn an oath to protect and defend our rights.    
    • Heather Shay
    • Heather Shay
    • Heather Shay
    • April Marie
      What a wonderful event and opportunity!! Despite the winds, it sounds like a beautiful day.
    • Heather Shay
      I like to walk and do pilotes. :)
    • Carolyn Marie
      https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/03/politics/transgender-anti-discrimination-protections-biden-chevron/index.html   So at least two recent SCOTUS decisions are being used to promote discrimination against trans people getting health care.  It didn't even take a direct, on-point case for the SCOTUS to screw with us.    Wonderful.    Carolyn Marie  
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