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    • awkward-yet-sweet
      I seek out a listening ear and a warm lap to curl up in...physical touch is remarkably effective.
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      Intentional public misgendering....always classy.    I understand that some people have views that conflict with our existence or preferred pronouns.  I understand that they may not want to speak something that is offensive to them or that they believe is a lie.  That's fine!  Honorifics and pronouns are optional in our language, and the flexibility of our language and the freedom of our speech offers alternatives.  The chair of the committee could have simply addressed "Representative McBride" instead, no first name or gendered honorific required.  There was no conceivable need for this.    A committee chair exists to facilitate discussion and keep order... this toad did the opposite.  I think it would be appropriate for that committee to be chaired by somebody else. 
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      Just an average, early spring day in Fox Boy world.  I spent most of it outside, doing the last cleanup in the garden.  It'll be in the 70s and 80s over the next week, and the grass is getting green now.  Time for the earliest crops to be planted, and weeding will become a constant chore.  The bugs are already out, and the chickens are very happy about that.  They lay in the winter, but it takes some work.  This time of year they lay a lot more eggs, and also in more random locations.  One hen has started to deposit them on the seat of a riding lawnmower!     I still can't believe the price of eggs.  Last time I saw them at the store, they were nearly $8 for a dozen.  At my last estimate, our big family uses over 200 eggs a week between fresh eating and baking.  If we didn't raise our own, the cost would be enormous.  Thankfully, we have enough that we sell extra at our little store in the town nearby.  We're selling for $5 per dozen right now, which I guess is why we sell out fast.  Probably better raise it a dollar or two, I guess.     What I don't understand is why eggs are in such demand.  I sure wouldn't buy them at that price, we'd be cooking something different and not baking recipes that require them.  If demand drops, supply will increase and price will drop, right?  Or perhaps people see the price going up and some kind of hoarding mentality sets in?  Just strange to me.  I guess the egg craze has people thinking about revolution.... my husband always says we'd have to "crack a few eggs" to make an omelette, but I didn't think he meant eggs literally 
    • awkward-yet-sweet
      Alright, call me a literalist.... "Geno" meaning of a kind or race, and "-cide" meaning killing.  Derived from Latin, but the word was invented in the 1940s to describe the horrible situation in Europe.  I think the word itself contains the ingredients to determine whether genocide is occurring or at risk of occurring.  Are the people involved of a specific kind?  Are they being killed?  Whatever the various political theorists, philosophers, or the UN think about it isn't particularly important to me.    In this case, we're the specific kind: Intersex, transgender, nonbinary....nonconforming.  Are we at risk of being killed for what/who we are?  Is that currently or predictably in the future a risk for us generally, in large numbers?  Like, to the point of firing squads, death camps, poison showers, or just random large-scale murder like in Rwanda?   Looking at history, I don't think we are in a situation where the most extreme voices will rise to political power.  There are always extreme voices....that's just part of having free speech.  It takes a special national crisis for a demagogue to be able to murder people at will.  Germany by 1933 had suffered a major war, 15 years of social upheaval, massive inflation and depression.  Italy endured something similar.  The Soviet experience was in a different order, but along the same lines.  We simply don't have that situation going on in the USA.  While our economy isn't good, people still have food and entertainment, and aren't really dissatisfied enough to march around in the streets.  We haven't had a world war, and our society isn't quite as divided as the other examples.    Can things change?  Sure!  If people are given significant, tangible reasons to blame us for their troubles, it could be possible.  Economic upheaval, large-scale social unrest, or a new war could do it.  But if those things happen, I doubt a minority as small as ours will be the focus.  A more general division along political lines is likely.  Something like Spain in the 1930s, perhaps?  IDK.  If the risk appears, it won't be a surprise.  There'll be obvious gun battles going on in our streets at that point...because that's the level of unrest which usually seems to accompany the possibility of genocide.
    • MaeBe
      If she responded to Rep. Self as "Madam Chair", she got hers in.
    • Audrey
      Sadly, this whole exchange is as appalling as it is unsurprising. For every "point" scored with the hateful base, the whole nation is just another step closer to losing.   @rhonda74 I am reminded of an exchange I had with a representative at (company name redacted) after I legally changed my name in 2022. Basically, to update my information, I needed to provide a copy of my notarized court order. When nothing happened in about a month, I called the company and the exchange with the agent went something like this...   Me: "Hi, my name is Audrey ___ and I am calling to follow up on changing the name on my account. The account number is ___." Agent: "Okay let me look you up." (does so, cannot find me) Agent: "Are you the authorized person on the account?" Me: "Yes, I am the account holder and the only name on the account." (gives verifying info) Agent: "Okay, what were you calling about?" Me: "I am calling to update the information on my account because I have legally changed my name. I sent the form and the court order on [DATE]." Agent: "In order to process this, I need to talk to [DEAD NAME]." Me: "No no, you are not understanding. I legally changed my name." Agent: "But I need to talk to [DEAD NAME]." Me: "You are not understanding. I legally changed my name. I am transgender." Agent: But I need to talk to [DEAD NAME]." Me: (brief pause, no change in voice inflection) "Speaking." Agent: "Do you think this is funny, like some kind of joke?" Me: "No, I do not think this is funny at all, or a joke. I would like to speak to a supervisor." Agent: "I just need to talk to [DEAD NAME]." Me: "And that is why I need to speak to a supervisor - now."   The supervisor straightened it out and was profusely apologetic. Too little too late, I later decided to take my business elsewhere. I am not sure how I could have spelled it out any clearer. Like Representative McBride, I know the cool and collected head it takes to remain calm in the face of stupidity and harassment.   Love, ~Audrey.
    • Susan R
      I so admire her self control and composure in these hostile situations. This likely happens to her more than reported and I feel for her deeply.  
    • Susan R
      They do seem to have that effect don’t they? I recall my first time wearing them out of the house. It felt wonderful and freeing. These days, I wear leggings and yoga pants almost daily for my pilaté classes. I find myself wearing them more and more instead of skinny jeans due to their flexibility and the comfort of the fabric. And the colors? OMG, I live near an outlet mall with a store that sells nothing but leggings in very pattern, design and color in the rainbow. Some are so beautiful.
    • Carolyn Marie
      It's despicable, rude behavior, and it is also just a show for the "folks back home," to demonstrate how "unwoke" he is.  He represents a district in Texas, so it literally goes with the territory.  There are some choice words I could use to also describe this "representative of the people," but I won't here.    Sarah McBride knows that it's best not to respond in kind.  I think that, eventually, these fine people on the right will tire of trying to provoke her and stop.   Carolyn Marie
    • VickySGV
      I did ask one "mis-pronouner" what his wife's beard looked like.  -- > and ran fast.
    • rhonda74
      One day I called my internet service provider for technical assistance, after I told the representative my female name, the guy on the other end of the phone line kept siring me, then "Mr.Rhonda" if he was standing next to I would surely wacked him with my purse. I bet he wouldn't call his wife sir.
    • Susan R
      @Desert Fox Great points! Looking back on my journey, I realize I tend to focus more on the positives now. After reading these recent events of @HeatherK, it reminds me of all of the emotional turmoil and fear I also carried with me as well. During my first 56 years on this planet, I had never experienced anything quite as intense or involved as gender transition. It seems daunting just thinking about all the change. Having gone through it, I would do all over again today despite the political climate we have now entered in this country.   Heather, I very much enjoyed catching up with this thread and I wish you the best on this continuing journey. I know it’s hard but hidden deep you have all the answers you need to answer to the question about who you are. In time, your therapist may help you understand and accept yourself even better and help you see life with a new brighter perspective. Just know that society doesn’t dictate who we are..you do! I hope you experience some of the wonderful moments along the way as I did. Those moments will come and they’ll help carry you through some of the more difficult times. The community here has been so helpful to me especially when starting out trying to find my way. You’re in good company.   Warmest Regards, Susan R🌷
    • VickySGV
      Sarah has said elsewhere, and my own state congress people agree, that her major work for this part of her term will not be in public other than her floor votes but with the relations, policies and national goals of management that she develops in daily contact with other Congress Folks in their offices and private conversation areas.  Her antagonists like Self are trying to make press points with their "base" {very base in my esteem} and with their Chief Executive.  It was one of Sarah's colleagues who blew this one up, not her.  The best way is to tell the congressional boors and louts own constituents to gang onto them and tell them to be representatives of their lives, or resign.
    • Susan R
      Exercise is a great way to relieve stress but in a time crunch, square breathing really helps. I learned this technique about 6 months ago and it alone does work well. If you can add some soft music (light jazz, trance, ambient etc…), it really makes it even more effective. For me, music can emotionally transport me to a different time and place. I use it a lot to start my mornings.
    • Susan R
      Yes, I agree Ivy…last year at polls would’ve been best time to have voted them out. The US is not the same country anymore. The decorum in the US government has all but disappeared. I’ve never been so appalled. The recent presidential meeting with president Zelenskyy in the oval office was a complete embarrassment…and now this! 
    • Willow
    • Ivy
    • Ivy
      https://www.erininthemorning.com/p/have-you-no-decency-republican-calls   "“I recognize the representative from Delaware, Mr. McBride,” said Representative Self. “Thank you, Madame Chair,” McBride responded before beginning to speak—only to be quickly interrupted by ranking Democrat Bill Keating, who turned to Self in disbelief."   "Keating stood his ground. “You will not continue it with me unless you introduce a duly elected representative the right way!” Without further discussion, Self abruptly adjourned the hearing."   This makes me sick.   These people need to be voted out.
    • MaeBe
      Wearing some right now (pic below)! I even wore a navy blue pair to an informal event (science fair) at the kids' school. I know, how scandalous!  
    • Desert Fox
      Every time I read someone else's transition story, it reminds me of the hard road that transitioning genuinely is...one that cis people generally never understand. It seems the moments of euphoria, the times of finally feeling comfortable in one's own skin, mannerisms and outward appearance seem to pale in comparison to the losses one usually has: increased harassment, the cost of new clothes, makeup, hormones and surgeries, the losses of friends, relationships, marriages, jobs and careers; having to suffer a second puberty and literal growing pains; having to re-learn how to act, dress, and talk differently than how you grew up; worrying about violence, travel, ID and bathroom use....and the list goes on...and yet, we still transition because it is what our soul needs.   I feel for the road you have ahead of you. The political climate in the US now makes it particularly difficult to start transitioning, and you have a partner who clearly is not going to be supportive and likely will make this an even more painful process for you. Unlike you, I started my transition long ago, I just never completed it, nor was I out about it until I turned 50, but I have always been rather femme, could do makeup more or less and had an already pretty feminine body, voice and mannerisms, though I tried to keep those in check while presenting as a male. I was in a career with mostly women as well, and my partner was well-aware of the existence of my female side, but didn't permit me to express it. So yeah, you have some additional obstacles I never had, but the way your wife talks about transgender people is something I had to deal with too, with multiple people, and it was very painful.   I think you are doing the right thing by celebrating the process of transition rather than pushing to reach a destination. There is a lot of joyful moments along the way and there will be some really difficult ones. It took me a decade of being in a relationship that was increasingly miserable to be able to get fully out, and I lost relationships, friends, family, career and, thanks to the name change, pretty much all record of anything I ever accomplished. But I have the ability to start new, with a freedom I never had before, and build from there. It has been more difficult than I had imagined and I still suffer frequent depression, but my soul says it's the right choice.   I wish you much joy as you experiment, learn and become comfortable with your body and your life as it morphs into something new. If your child self could have seen your future self, they would have been completely amazed!
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